2025 Tournaments


Email: 15mmancients@gmail.com

Legions Imperialis

Email: allenthrun@gmail.com


​This page will be updated as information is available. We would like to hear from people interested in running a tournament, competition, campaign or other. Please email brisbanegamingsociety@gmail.com

Conquest - The Last Argument of Kings

Email: ConquestTO@gmail.com

Kings of War 

Email: KOWBriscon@gmail.com

Flames of War V4

Email: glen_noonan@hotmail.com

Role Playing Games

D&D, Cthulhu, Bladerunner, Star Wars RPG, Delta Green and others

Run over the weekend!

Bolt Action

Email: TO Andrew Krarup


Email: Battletechbriscon@gmail.com

Infinity: The Anomaly Zone

We would like to hear from people interested in running a tournament, competition, campaign or other. Please email brisbanegamingsociety@gmail.com